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Trinity Lutheran Church
Manhattan Beach, California

Opus 56, 1992

GREAT pipes
8' Prestant 58
8' Rohrflöte 58
4' Octave 58
2' Waldflöte 58
IV Mixture 1-1/3' 232
8' Trumpet 58
Swell to Great
SWELL (expressive)
8' Gedackt 58
8' Gemshorn 58
4' Spillflöte 58
2-2/3' Nazard 58
2' Principal 58
1-3/5' Tierce 58
8' Hautbois 58
Tremulant affects both manuals
16' Subbass 32
8' Bourdon extension of Subbass 12
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal

The organ employs mechanical key and stop actions. The case is made of white oak and is 16' tall. The organ, which weighs about 8,000 pounds, is anchored to the wall so that it does not tip over in an earthquake. The front pipes are from the Great 8' Prestant are made of flamed copper for the lowest twelve pipes, and polished tin for the rest. Copper is flamed, or oxidized, by carefully heating it with a torch. The manual keyboards have ebony naturals and bone-covered rosewood sharps. The pedalboard has hard maple naturals and teak sharps. The stop levers, a feature unique to Dobson organs, are carved of African padauk. Other woods used around the console are American black walnut and Carpathian elm burl.

The pipes of the Great are divided into two halves, placed behind the copper pipes on either side of the Swell, which is directly above the console. The wooden pipes of the Pedal are located behind the case against the wall. The blower and reservoir are located in a sound-absorbing box next to the case. The organ is voiced on a wind pressure of 63 millimeters.


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200 North Illinois Street • Post Office Box 25
Lake City, Iowa 51449 USA
+1 712 464 8065

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