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First United Methodist Church
Mesa, Arizona

Opus 60, 1993

GREAT (Manual I)
16' Principal 58
8' Principal 58
8' Rohrflöte 58
4' Octave 58
4' Nachthorn 58
2-2/3' Twelfth 58
2' Fifteenth 58
1-3/5' Seventeenth 58
IV Mixture 1-1/3' 232
IV Cymbal 2/3' 232
8' Trumpet* 58
Swell to Great
Solo to Great
SWELL (Manual II - expressive)
8' Gedackt* 58
8' Salicional 58
8' Celeste TC 46
4' Principal 58
4' Spillflöte* 58
2' Flautino 58
1-1/3' Larigot 58
IV Mixture 2' 232
16' Bassoon 58
8' Oboe 58
4' Clarion 58
Tremulant affects Great & Swell
SOLO (Manual III - expressive)
8' Harmonic Flute 58
4' Flute Octaviante* 58
V Cornet 8' TC* 230
8' Bombarde 58
Solo to Swell
32' Bourdon* 1-12 = 10-2/3' 32
16' Principal from Great ––
16' Subbass* 32
8' Octave 32
4' Choralbass 32
IV Mixture 2-2/3'* 128
16' Trombone 32
8' Trumpet 32
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
* Stops from previous organ
Mechanical key action
Electric stop action
Free standing solid oak case incorporating existing chancel cross
8 level combination action


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Dobson Pipe Organ Builders, Ltd.
200 North Illinois Street • Post Office Box 25
Lake City, Iowa 51449 USA
+1 712 464 8065

Site conception by metaglyph

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