Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
Los Angeles, California
Opus 75

Construction Installation Façade Main
The Dobson organ in Los Angeles’ new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is proving to be as much a landmark as the Cathedral itself. Sought out for concerts and recordings, the Cathedral and its organ have been musical partners with The Los Angeles Master Chorale, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the American Choral Directors Association, the American Guild of Organists, and many celebrated recitalists from around the world.
The 1994 Northridge earthquake rendered St. Vibiana's, the previous cathedral of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, structurally unsound. The competition-winning design for the new cathedral was submitted by Spanish architect José Rafael Moneo, a Pritzker Architecture Prize laureate. The finished building seats 3,500 people and encloses more than 3 million cubic feet.

The new organ incorporates some pipework from the St. Vibiana instrument, built originally in 1929 by the Wangerin Organ Co. of Milwaukee and rebuilt by Austin Organs, Inc., in 1988. It employs slider chests with electric pulldowns for all divisions except the Solo and Pedal, which have electro-pneumatic action. These latter divisions were conceived in the spirit of Isnard's 1772 Résonance division at St. Maximin: the Solo is a division of powerful voices, many of which are made playable in the Pedal, which has few independent registers of its own.
The visual design of the organ was jointly developed by Dobson and Moneo. The tonal design of the organ is a collaboration between Dobson, Frank Brownstead, Director of the Archdiocesan Music Office, and Manuel Rosales, the Archdiocese's organ consultant. Dennis Paoletti of Shen Milsom & Wilke is responsible for the acoustical design of the new Cathedral.

Lynn Dobson - Sal Soria
Manuel Rosales - Frank Brownstead
32' |
Prestant |
16' |
Prestant |
16' |
Violonbasse |
16' |
Bourdon |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Violoncelle |
8' |
Flûte harmonique |
8' |
Doppel Floete |
5-1/3' |
Gros Nasard |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Nachthorn |
3-1/5' |
Grosse Tierce |
2-2/3' |
Quinte |
2' |
Octave |
1-3/5' |
Tierce |
Corneta Magna 8' (f18-g56) |
Mixture 2' |
IV |
Cymbale 1' |
16' |
Posaune |
8' |
Trumpet |
4' |
Clarion |
Tremulant |
8' |
Horizontal Trumpet (interior) |
Swell to Great |
Positive to Great |
Solo to Great |
Fanfare on Great |
SWELL (III; enclosed) |
16' |
Bourdon |
8' |
Diapason |
8' |
Bourdon |
8' |
Viole de gambe |
8' |
Voix céleste CC |
8' |
Dulciane |
8' |
Voix angélique TC |
4' |
Prestant |
4' |
Flûte octaviante |
2-2/3' |
Nasard |
2' |
Octavin |
1-3/5' |
Tierce |
V |
Plein jeu 2' |
16' |
Bombarde |
8' |
Trompette harmonique |
8' |
Hautbois |
8' |
Voix humaine |
4' |
Clairon harmonique |
Tremulant |
Chimes |
Swell 16 |
Swell 4 |
Fanfare on Swell |
Positive to Swell |
Solo to Swell |
POSITIVE (I; enclosed) |
16' |
Gemshorn |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Salicional |
8' |
Unda maris CC |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Chimney Flute |
2' |
Octave |
1-1/3' |
Larigot |
II |
Sesquialtera 2-2/3' |
Mixture 1-1/3' |
16' |
Bassoon |
8' |
Trumpet |
4' |
Clarion |
8' |
Cromorne |
8' |
Harp |
Positive 16 |
Positive 4 |
Tremulant |
8' |
Tuba (Solo) |
Fanfare on Positive |
Swell to Positive |
Solo to Positive |
Zimbelstern |
SOLO (IV; enclosed) |
16' |
Principal |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Major Flute |
8' |
Gamba |
8' |
Gamba Celeste CC |
8' |
Viole d'orchestre |
8' |
Viole Celeste TC |
5-1/3' |
Quinte |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Orchestral Flute |
IV |
Mixture 2-2/3' |
8' |
English Horn |
8' |
French Horn |
8' |
Clarinet |
Tremulant |
32' |
Contre Bombarde (ext. 16') |
16' |
Bombarde |
8' |
Trumpet |
4' |
Clarion |
8' |
Tuba |
8' |
Horizontal Trumpet (Great) |
Solo 16 |
Solo 4 |
Great to Solo |
Swell to Solo |
Positive to Solo |
Fanfare on Solo |
FANFARE (all en chamade) |
16' |
Trompeta magna |
8' |
Trompeta de los angeles |
8' |
Trompeta fuerte (ext. 4') |
8' |
Clarín de campaña (ext. 16') |
4' |
Bajoncillo |
32' |
Prestant (Great) |
32' |
Contra Bourdon |
16' |
Open Diapason |
16' |
Principal (Solo) |
16' |
Violonbasse (Great) |
16' |
Subbass (ext. 32') |
16' |
Bourdon (Great) |
16' |
Gemshorn (Positive) |
10-2/3' |
Gross Quint (ext. Open Diapason) |
8' |
Principal (Solo) |
8' |
Flute (ext. Open Diapason) |
8' |
Violoncelle (Great) |
8' |
Bourdon (ext. 32') |
5-1/3' |
Quint (Solo) |
4' |
Octave (Solo) |
IV |
Mixture 2-2/3' (Solo) |
32' |
Contra Trombone |
32' |
Contre Bombarde (Solo) |
16' |
Trombone (ext. 32') |
16' |
Bombarde (Solo) |
16' |
Posaune (Great) |
8' |
Trumpet (Solo) |
4' |
Clarion (Solo) |
Great to Pedal |
Swell to Pedal |
Positive to Pedal |
Solo to Pedal |
Fanfare on Pedal |
Great/Positive Manual Transfer |
All Swells to Swell |
Zimbelstern |
Nightingale |

Organ Dedication Recital

John Panning, His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony, and Lynn Dobson following the Blessing of the Organ
The blessing of the Cathedral organ took place on Saturday, 3 May 2003 at 5:30 p.m. Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles, presided at a service of Evening Prayer, which was followed by an organ recital by Samuel S. Soria, Cathedral Organist.
Psalm Prelude, No. 1, Set 2
Herbert Howells
Prelude and Fugue in e minor,
BWV 548
Johann Sebastian Bach
Jean Roger-Ducasse
Pieces de Fantasie, Op. 55 No. 4
Water Nymphs
Louis Vierne
Sonata in c minor: The 94th Psalm
Julius Reubke